Team Maps


Reciprocal Football Links

Required details

Please fill in your company name (with a contact name & email address), website URL and the description of your websites activities

Just drop us a line and we'll get back to you

This is how the logo and text could appear on your site, but you're free to change it

Tanked Up Imaging
Tanked Up Imaging Interactive maps of football teams across Europe, North & South America & Africa. The maps include full details of all domestic and international cups won, along with stadium names and pages with the complete history of all major European leagues.

Please read the submission rules below

1. For us to add a link we require a reciprocal link to our website.

2. Your website must be football (soccer) related or relevant to our site.

3. Your website must be complete and live with no pages under construction.

4. Your website must contain no adult or offensive content.


To add our link to your website follow the instructions below.
This should be added as soon after submission of your details as possible. This will prevent any delays. We will add your link within 7 days of verification.


Copy the text below and paste into your links page

<div><a href="/css_dev/uefa.html"> <strong>Tanked Up Imaging</strong> </a > - Interactive maps of football teams across Europe, North & South America & Africa. The maps include full details of all domestic and international cups won, along with stadium names and pages with the complete history of all major European leagues.</div>

If you want to display our logo copy this

Tanked Up