George Bush ate my coral

I was checking our website stats last night and noticed an unusual search term that found us.

‘Where to purchase Red Sea Coral’, I was a bit stunned to be honest.

1. How the f@$k did they get to our site? A reference to a Red Sea Coral Grouper apparently. So, not so smart then.

2. Who the hell want’s to buy coral anyway??! With the rate that coral reefs are being destroyed at present, you’d think that people were wising up to the fact and that it might be a good idea to leave the bloody stuff where it belongs … IN THE SEA!!

Checking further I see the searcher originated from Washington in the good old USA. Maybe it was that environmental enthusiast George W Bush, looking to add the destruction of the Red Sea to his list of wonderful achievments. I think we all know what the W stands for, unfortunately it doesn’t translate in the US :)
Wow two rants for the price of one, not bad eh?

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