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The Tanked Up team

Dean Dean

Dean is a carpenter, just like Jesus, but unlike Jesus he works Sundays (for double time). Well actually he's nothing like Jesus, but he does live in the Middle East and has climbed Mount Sinai, which is close enough. continued ...

Martin Martin

Martin is an electronics engineer with a wander lust, which has included the Middle East, Asia and Australia. Now back in the UK for a while, planning the next step towards world domination. continued ...

Tyrone Tyrone

After a few years of filming, drinking and wild story telling in Dahab, Tyrone is off to the land of smiles to check out the white sand beaches, coral reefs and no doubt the Mai Thai at the local bars. continued ...

Ceri Ceri

Ceri is an ex-electronics inspector and now a full time and very proud mum. She met up with Dean in the late 90's and found that despite his wild party reputation he was really quite domestic. Well mostly. continued ...